KPIs in the innovation process

innovation process kpi

The most important KPIs for your innovation process How to measure the success of your innovation management When is an innovation process efficient? What distinguishes successful innovation management? Companies evaluate the success of their innovation activities with different key figures. Some focus on quantity, i.e. the number of ideas. The others deal with the quality […]

Ideation Challenges

ideation challenge

How to boost your idea management with groundbreaking ideation challenges In this article we present six proven success factors for setting up and running ideation challenges in your company successfully. If idea management becomes a routine in a company, the number and quality of employees’ ideas may decline. It’s quite a normal phenomenon. Here is what […]

The roles in an innovation process

Roles Innovation process

Innovation management: The six most important roles in the innovation process In order for innovation management to be introduced and established sustainably in the company, different roles are required: Responsibles for the innovation process, innovation coaches, experts, method specialists, idea authors and submitters as well as experts. These six important roles ensure an lively innovation process […]

Innolytics Software Update May 2018

Update Ideenmanagement Software

Idea Management and Innovation Management Software Overview of the Ideation Quality Update in May 2018 Faster recognition of how many employees are enthusiastic about your Idea management, your Continuous improvement process and your Innovation management. Support the process of systematic idea development through high-quality concepts and visual prototypes. Improve the quality of your cross-divisional and […]

Co-creation and Open Innovation

Open Innovation und Co-Creation

Co-creation and open innovation: innovation strategies for the digital age In times of digital change, companies face a great challenge: In addition to classic idea management and CIP, with which internal ideas for improvement are collected from employees and innovation management for the improvement and further development of existing products, they must enable the development […]

Idea management software update March 2018

Update Ideenmanagement Software

Idea Management Software and Innovation Management Software: Update March 2018 With the latest update, the Innolytics® idea management software and innovation management software gains a number of new functions to manage idea and innovation campaigns even more efficiently and to increase participation. Additional functions have been implemented to further strengthen the use of the software […]

Innovation Management is changing

change of innovation management

Why innovation management is changing faster than ever before Until recently the definition of innovation management seemed to be quite obvious: Creating and monitoring an innovation process in order to optimize business processes and develop new products. Due to increasing market dynamics and trends like digitization innovation managers today face more complex challenges. Innovation management […]

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